GFWAust were appointed to carry out the foundation grouting for Shannon Creek Dam.
The dam itself consists of approximately 1,150,000 cubic metres of earth, clay and sand excavated from within the inundation area creating a storage area of approximately 210 hectares. The dam wall is approximately 47 metres high and 400 metres long.
Grouting and Foundation Works Australia were appointed to carry out the foundation grouting. This required drilling of holes up to 65 metres deep and the mixing and placing of over 45,000 bags of GP cement. The Works also included consolidation grouting for the foundations of the Valve House and Tower Base.
During the work the condition of the foundation required an increase in the grout curtain from a single line of grout holes to a maximum of seven parallel lines of holes including blanket grout holes and an upstream and downstream grout curtain in the central section. GFWAust provided additional resources to meet the requirements of this increased scope of works and maintain the construction program including three grout stations and up to three drill rigs..